Archive for Philippians

Angels in the Block

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on August 31, 2023 by Her Broken Wing

being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ..” (Philippians 1:6)

Both of my parents and both of my children are gifted in a form of art. They can look at the canvas and before long a beautiful masterpiece has been created. They knew all along how their work would turn out but as a spectator, I just watch in amazement as the work is revealed in a slow, sometimes painstaking way.

Michelangelo lingered before a rough block of marble so long that his companion remonstrated. In reply, Michelangelo said with enthusiasm, “There’s an angel in that block and I’m going to liberate him!” Oh , what abounding love would manifest itself in us toward the most unlovable—the most vile—if only we saw what they might become and in our passion for souls we cried out, “There’s the image of Christ—marred, scarred, well-nigh obliterated—in that dear fellow, and I am going to make that man conscious of it.” (Author Unknown— book, His Victorious Indwelling.)

In God’s perfection, the only painstaking process is when we try to help Him. 

Maybe we should leave the strokes  of God’s hand to Him as He reveals the beauty of Himself through us. 

What is your art strokes going to look like today?

Connie Barris

Identity Bestowed

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on July 18, 2010 by Her Broken Wing

Identity bestowed

Who am I?

Walking throughout my life, running at times, hiding mostly from the arrows of pain, I do not know who I am—yet.

I sometimes think I should wear a shirt that says, “Under Construction.” (phil 1:6)

From stories told, I came into this world fighting. I have always been very strong-willed to my detriment. But little by little my fight has been chiseled away.  All my life, I let my identity be defined by others. What difference do I make in someone else’s life? …And when that goes awry, my false self rears her ugly little head.

I have worked to prove myself worthy. Did they notice me? No wonder I was so tired—all the time. When I was young, I was a major tomboy(ok, still am). But to prove my versatility, I tried out for cheerleading. It should have come as no surprise I was not chosen for the team. I couldn’t have kicked a bug six inches in front of me. When the call came, I cried. I had been rejected. I took it very personal. My identity was shaken.

On another occasion, it was Thanksgiving. We had family over and the kitchen was destroyed. I was young, maybe ten years-old. I decided to surprise my mom by cleaning up the kitchen. When she got home from wherever, she looked at the kitchen and just turned around and walked out. I was crushed. At that moment, I remember thinking, “I screwed up again.” She will never love me.

One more poisonous arrow to my heart. One more wall built constructed around it as I vowed secretly to not let anyone in–ever.

The truth is—we all want to be accepted, loved and feel as we have a purpose in someone’s life. That is a major piece of our identity, is it not?

My addiction was a temporary fix. But even the pain of the drug use became greater than the pain of life.

Through these storms that I have weathered, they have eroded the ugly walls of my spirit in which I had built and still build.

I have come to believe this is God’s plan. He works to find the sweet undulating center of my soul where He awaits…

He is my identity bestowed as a gift

Beautifully Awkward