The Rocking Chair

Proverbs 13:19 “A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul…

Years ago, I had shared with my husband a desire for a chair to go in the corner of our bedroom so that I could get up each morning and have a special place to have quiet time with the Lord. We really couldn’t afford one during those days but it was one of those things we added to our wish list. 

One day while my husband and I were walking in the neighborhood, one of our neighbors was having a yard sale. It was late in the morning and we figured she would be wrapping up but we stopped by anyway to ask her how she did. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a rocking chair that would be perfect with a nice slipcover. 

I asked her if that chair was for sale and she said, “yes, it is only $10 (definitely in my budget).” She went on to say that she was glad it hadn’t sold because she had mixed feelings since it had special meaning. She said she used to rock her babies many nights as they were growing up. The right arm rest was a little worn where she had held her children against the arm of the chair. I told her what my intentions were for the chair. I shared that I would spend my mornings in my quiet time with Jesus. This made her beam with gladness.

Her chair that had given so many years to nurturing her children would now comfort me as I sit alone with my Father. And my Bible rested perfectly on the right arm of the chair where her children’s heads rested for many years. 

Life for life. 

Such a little thing as a rocking chair that would bring such “fulfillment of the souls” of God’s children.

Connie B
Author of Her Broken Wing

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